Tuesday, January 10, 2012

In the beginning.....well not the very beginning but my Joyous Days

1 comment:

  1. My journey regarding Joyous Celebration is in many ways very profound. A few days ago i happened upon a 2002 Joyous Celebration Live in Johannesburg DVD and your performance of "I've got something" just blew my mind. I kept wondering who this beautiful singer with such an AMAZING voice was. (I'm not originally from South Africa). I raved about it on Facebook, i asked people, but to no avail. Finally just a few hours ago i did a Google search of that song and this video came up but still it just said "Joyous Celebration" no mention of the vocalist or anything. Just as i was about to exit i glanced over at the comments section below the video and a comment that read like it was referring to the singer in the video caught my eye. i scrolled down further and lo and behold the name "Swazi Dlamini" popped up! I googled that name and well now I'm typing this
